Continuum's Performance Management Services are designed to address the array of labor challenges companies face throughout their supply chain network. Labor performance, utilization and efficiency are the main drivers of productivity, throughput, order fulfillment and cost within distribution and manufactuing operations; and implementing labor, process and system solutions focused on improving these drivers leads to supply chain success. Given Continuum's experience in the performance management arena, we have developed standardized services geared to address the majority of client challenges; but are capable of developing custom service offerings for clients as needed to address unique opportunities within their organization.
Labor is one of the largest costs facing companies and managing facility performance, utilization and efficiency is critical to operational success and business growth. Sponsoring effective Labor Management programs designed to maintain high performance levels and utilize staff effectively across facilities is a cornerstone of a successful supply chain network. Our team at Continuum specializes in developing custom programs for companies and takes a flexible approach; being able to provide full engineering, design and consulting services or training internal client staff to build and manage a facility-based LM program.
From high-level, reasonable expectency KPIs to full, multi-variable standards, Continuum has designed, validated and implemented Engineered Labor Standards across a spectrum of unique client operations. Our team ensures the highest level of accuracy and precision when developing standards; knowing that adoption and ultimate support of standard goals with both Associates and Management requires fair, achievable and well communicated standards to be successfully constructed. Continuum is capable of providing complete implementation and maintenance or work with clients to design training programs to develop internal capabilities.
In competitive envronments, incentivizing Associates that have the willingness and ability to execute at the highest levels of performance can be a significant component of operational success and a building block of performance cultures. Pay for performance programs can be designed in a myriad of ways; and determining the best configuration to deliver results is critical in balancing the cost and impact of Incentive Based Pay Programs. Continuum designs programs focused on retaining and rewarding high performing Associates and motivating employees to improve their individual productivity, accuracy and throughput.
How direct and indirect staff is utilized across operational functions is a major factor in overall facility efficiency. Productivity and throughput are only positively impacted when Associates are working; and understanding how to staff operations as labor demands change is crucial to minimize operational cost per unit. Continuum provides Staff Balancing & Modeling services to help level staffing across a facility and provide tools and training to support management in dynamically staffing operations to volume. Utilization opportunities, accounting for as much as 50% of all lost productivity and throughput, are vital to control in a competitive environment.
With every improvement effort, coaching Associates and Managers is a critical element in achieving the goal. Performance Coaching focuses on how operational methods & procedures, time utilization & employee pace contribute to performance levels and addresses gaps so teams can perform at expected productivity levels. Expecting manufacturing and distribution operations to achieve operational goals without providing support to Associates to achieve the expectations results in performance and communication misalignment. Continuum creates impactful performance coaching programs to support overall facility health and success.
Proactively identifying, analyzing and improving existing operational processes within an organization is critical when driving to meet and exceed ever-changing standards for productivity, throughput, quality, service and cost. Targeted process improvement efforts look for the "breakthrough-type" improvements to dramatically transform operations and drive facility efficiency. Continuum's Engineering Team is able to quickly and impactfully eliminate inefficiencies, reduce cost and achieve operational goals for our clients through targeted process improvement efforts focused on unlocking the operational potential of our clients.
While companies usually have identified and prioritized a number of long-lead, major initiatives designed to transform supply chain operations, there are typically dozens of quick-win opportunities buried across distribution and manufacturing functions that can generate tangible savings and immediate order fulfillment impact when addressed. Continuum's extensive supply chain experience allows our team to identify high-impact/low-cost process and system opportunities and quickly implement the improvements to allow for significant productivity and throughput gains across a facility.
Work instructions and standard operating procedures are only successful when followed; and facility efficiency suffers when standardized processes are not supported by operators. Companies invest heavily to define best practices from an efficiency and safety perspective, and employee willingness and ability to follow protocols can negatively impact both. Continuum's Process Adherence Programs develop tools to identify, document and cure lapses in efficiency and safety while fostering positive engagement between managers and Associates; addressing the incongruency between defined SOPs and on-the-floor execution.
Understanding the relationship between volume, productivity and efficiency not only supports daily staff management, but also long-term Labor Budgeting & Planning efforts; so overtime, temporary labor, seasonal work-force and over-staffing operational costs can be minimized. Continuum can integrate staff modeling tools and productivity projections into annual labor budgets across supply chains so labor resources can be appropriately planned and operational leaders measured and made accountable for managing facilities to reasonable and achievable efficiency expectations.